'97 Honda XL400V TransAlp randomly only runs on one cylinder.

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Pack Dog
Apr 12, 2022
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Honda XR125L
I bought this bike from a good friend, (who is also trying to troubleshoot it's issue) about 2 years ago. The below issue has persisted on most rides longer than 30km.
It always starts up without any issues from cold but will lose power/rev counter flutters and drops to zero revs, after approx 30kms. I've always managed to get home but very unwillingly on one cylinder, using minimal throttle opening in top gear, which equates to 60/70km/h.
Switching off the bike's ignition and removing both plug leads on the rear (seat-side) cylinder doesn't change the status at all after re-starting it. However, connecting a sparkplug to each of the removed plug leads re that rear cylinder, produces no spark, as opposed to there being spark on either of the front cylinder's plug leads.
I changed to bike's plugs recently and am using its previous plugs as spares for testing purposes, as they're still OK.
I've tried replacing one of its 2 rear cylinder coils with a coil from another bike but it does the same thing.
It starts right up again and runs perfectly when the engine is cold, despite initially smoking while burning up the previously unburned fuel, I presume.
Sorry for the long story. Any ideas/advice would be most welcome.