Recent content by Grootseun

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  1. Grootseun

    Condition of R354 Sutherland - Middelpos - Calvinia

    Gates for days. Would have hated to do the opening and closing solo.
  2. Grootseun

    Sold 2005 KTM 640 Adventure R

    Naais. I'm certain I saw this bike on the road around the Fairland area.
  3. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    The Road into Die Hel is carved into the side of the mountains, on the left there is the mountain. On the right, the valley where the river is steadily carving its way into the bedrock, and will be doing so beyond the liefecycle of mankind. The views are spectacular. The fact that we are on this...
  4. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    Leaving Calitzdorp, we ride through a large group of riders gathering to ride the same direction as us. Soon, I have the lead rider on my tail. I’m sightseeing, he is not. I let him pass, in fact. I let the whole group pass. I don’t want to feel pressured with someone behind me. Our little group...
  5. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    Sorry about the delay in getting another day loaded. Just before the trip started, I was offered a job with one of our suppliers. I was made an offer in Biesies car on the way from the airport, and I have subsequently started my new job. So things have been out of t He ordinary the last couple...
  6. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    Double post removed
  7. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    Day 3 has us waking with the sunrise. I realised, I had a heavy hand with the Jim Beams, which in turn made me snore properly, which in turn had Bieisie vacate the room and sleep in the lounge. We have little in the form of supplies around breakfast. There is a left over tjop, steak and a...
  8. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    After spending another 5 minutes adding another cable tie to my 1200’s battery terminal, we hit the road again. We pass the tourists, and enjoy a sublime piece of gravel that ends in a tar T-junction. We hit a right towards Calitzdorp ( I have google earth open in the background while...
  9. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    Breakfast was a loaded affair, which equates to about 3 days worth of sustenance for me. The plan is to head out of Montagu with Gamkapoort dam being our overnight stop. There is a small issue of range on the 12GS. We will only be able to fill up again in Ladismith, and this could be a couple...
  10. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    A short while after I break the news to Biesie, he gives me a call. He devised a plan B, and If you know Biesie, there is very little that will deter him from a bike trip. Especially not a small thing like a bike accident. He checks if I am able to still ride the weekend as planned, to which I...
  11. Grootseun

    Cape Town Bike Rental
  12. Grootseun

    While making plans…..

    We were sitting and enjoying a picture perfect day at the Blue Peter, fresh off an epic trip through the Karoo (Tjops in the Karoo). Still high on endorphins of days spent riding epic roads, the planning for this trip started. After kicking a couple of ideas about, we settled on Sani Pass...
  13. Grootseun

    Knopkop and tankgirl sliding through the Eastern Cape (Beware - Lots of Pics!)

    Awesome trip and pics! Really enjoyed it. More places on my ever growing list to ride.
  14. Grootseun

    Have you ever been to the Tswaing Meteorite Crater?

    Been there once. Courtesy of WD’s. We were fortunate to be allowed to ride down to the base of the crater. Had a look around, and rode back out. Lekker day out. Should be pics and a RR here somewhere ( photobucket may have deleted the pics)
  15. Grootseun

    N3 to Durban

    Good for my mate who runs trucks, bad for the economy.