F850gs - poor throttle response

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Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Honda XR650L
Hi Dawgs
I’ve got a frustrating problem I can’t seem to solve…,

I am extremely impressed with my F850GS’s overall speed & handling especially in urban traffic- a real joy to ride, BUT
I find a serious disappointment in its slow throttle response,
my reason is as follows…
When riding along in…, lets say, 2nd gear at walking speed, or even slightly faster- as in riding a very technical single spoor track- and all of a sudden there’s a tree stump or ditch in the road, a quick shift of my weight to the rear, combined with a sudden blip of the throttle (in order to get some lift on the front wheel) to clear the obstacle with limited impact on the suspension, is almost impossible…for the sole reason that the engin rpm’s are way to slow to even start to climb…!? 😳
The torque & kW’s definitely are there!….but just to slow!

The only wat I can seem to achieve this is by pulling the clutch, give throttle, and dropping the clutch again, which is way to slow to avoid the unexpected obstacle … very annoying !?
Even when driving along slowly on loose gravel, and abruptly opening throttle, doesn’t create immediate wheelspin, as it takes almost a second or two for the rpm’s to increase sufficiently…
Needless to say, I’ve played with the Epro settings and everything that can be set through the onboard screen, etc.

Has anyone else experienced the same, and could this be solved with some mapping maybe… because surely quick response MUST be possible (especially with the electronic throttle) as even my XR650L which has a cable-throttle is light-years faster in engin rpm response….!?

Hope to hear from the beemer tech-ies out there. 🙏