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Pack Dog
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
Western Cape
BMW R1150GS Adventure
I am being warned that maybe I should consider starting a new topic so mods if this is required please shift it where it should be.
For some or other reason this topic seems to have been lost in amongst everything else that is happening. However in my opinion it should be highly visible and I will explain this shortly.

About two days ago Chris (GETITDIRTY) Contacted me about this again. What it boils down to is that Mel and her daughter left East London in the UK in November 2015 , travelled all the way through Europe to Greece, they crossed the Med to Alexandria and started an epic journey through Africa with the intent to end up in East London  South Africa. The whole reason for this is to create awareness for Autism.

I do not have the details which I am sure she can provide in a proper ride report but the eventually ended up in Walvisbay yesterday. All of this on 2003 Ural Gearup which seems to not have been all that reliable to start off with.

Any event , we are currently doing some repairs/maintenance items and hope to send her on her way again within the next day or two.

I have suggested a route through Namibia into South Africa which I will also post once complete and would like to hear from the other Dogs on the way if they have any different suggestions.

The idea is to end up in Yzerfontein on 28 July 2016 from where they would like to have other bikers join them in a ride into Cape Town on 31 July 2016.

All I can say further on the matter is that this is one hell of a brave/crazy lady and would appeal to the Dogs along her route to get involved and assist where possible.

Apart from the forum her contact details as follows:

Melanie Cowpland

UK no +44 7985993112 (Watsapp)
Nam No: +264 81 741 0315
Or you can follow her on Facebook page Africa with Autism

If you cannot get right in any other way you can contact me on [email protected] or +264 811412390 and I am sure I will get a message to her.

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