Repainted the HP2's tappet covers

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
While you guys were talking kak, instead of working, or worse, riding your boneys, I was earning my salary. Oh, and I had to go and visit Bloemfonteint with the wife over the long weekend.

This gave me time to do something I've been wanting to do for a long, long time: Polishing and painting Raka's tappet covers, which were quite scratched and generally looking bad.

I also apologise for not taking photo's of the work in progress, but to be honest, I don't have time for that. For those who do, good for you.

Pic 1 - What Raka looked like before the procedure.


Pic 2 - After the procedure. Ain't it pretty! I also fitted HP2 head protectors as I'm worried those aluminium ones look too much like those of the Adventure and before I know Haley's Comet and friends invite me on one of their exclusive launches which I'll have to decline anyway on account of the HP2's limited fuel range.


Pic 3 - Apart from some scratches, the right pot missed a part of a cooling fin. I guess the previous owners of the bike weren't too good at keeping the bike upright. I got some Alcolin Quicksteel, filled it up, and filed/sanded the excess bits away. Easy.


Pic 4 - This is the 'after' photo. The yellow circles show the relevant area. Neat!


Pic 5 - The left hand pot was scratched worst. I sanded it away with my orbital sander and 120 grit paper, then finally 180 grit paper. Then I sprang into action with 1200 water sand paper. Piele.


Pic 6 - And this is what it looked like after 2 layers of grey primer and 4 layers of Plascon Metallic Electric Blue. Almost a perfect colour match for the BMW colour.


As per Beemer Man's instructions I let the tappet covers lay in the sun between layers to help them bake, but the Bloem sun was a bit pap. After my first two layers of blue, I baked it in my mother-in-law's oven at about 60 degree for 40 mins. I repeated the step after the last 2 layers.

Oh, and remember to degrease and clean the tappet covers before you start. It might sound logical, but with guys on this forum you never know.

I've already gone for a little ride to give the bike a shakedown and everything seems okay. I just need to top up the oil as about 400 ml got spilled during the process of taking the covers off. Once again, the esteemed Beemer Man warned me about this and I took the necessary precaution with an oil pan.

Cost? about four cans of paint, some sand paper and a few beers.