Journey to GS Trophy 2024 - Namibia

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Race Dog
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
I was sitting in my office and thinking why not do a ride report on my journey to the GS Trophy international event. Sharing what it took to achieve this goal.
Hopefully it can be a reference for other riders also wanting to try out the GS Trophy.

My idea is to create more interest in this and obviously to share my experience in being a amature rider being selected to represent SA against other countries.

So what is the GS Trophy??
Its an event that is held every 2 years and anyone can participate with any GS model available even the 310.
But you cannot be a pro rider with a valid motorsport lisence or have won the event (Nationals) or be a BMW employee.

You and the bike will be tested against other like minded riders.
The top 3 men and top 2 women get to present SA.

I know over the years that the trophy event did not attrack much attention on this forum, but if i can convince 1 person to try it out or maybe help with some info on making it through then i will be happy. If no one reads this then so be it. Piece of history for me to share with my grand children :ROFLMAO:
BTW: My English airtime is running low so excuse some spelling and grammer mistakes. I will as always try my best.

So here goes!!

So i have been watching this event from 2018. When the mongolia international event was on youtube. Sat there next to the wife and said. Dink jy ek kan dit ook doen, dit lyk lekker.
She said why not try it, if you do not try the answer will always be a no.

So 2019 came and i was thinking about the qualifier but having just lost my job and starting out a new one i did not think it to be wise to participate in the regionals.
2019 came and went and i watched the 2020 international trophy in New Zealand on Youtube. I thought no hell man i must try. Ja volgende jaar gaan ek dit try, come hell or high water.

So 2021 came and the Western Cape regionals was held at Cape dirt. We stuffed up that lawn on that day. Was muddy and doing skills challenges became a matter of who can limit his mistakes the best.
I came 2nd in the WC regionals.

National Qualifiers was to be held in Amersfoort at the Jan Staal Du toit Country trax venue. For you who have not been there previously, you should go. Very impressive and guess what BMW spoiled us rotten with gifts and food. But before you could enjoy all that a rapid covid test was to be done. A neg outcome would mean you cannot enter the "Covid bubble"
We were all stressing......

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I came 4th on my first attempt in 2021. Watched G Du Toit, D de Bruin and W Venter go through to represent SA in Albania. To say i was jealous is an understatement, but now the determination to reach my goal was even bigger.

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