KZN Wild Dog down.

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Grey Hound
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Hey fellow dawgs, it is with heavy heavy heart, and a lump in my throat, that I bear this very tragic news. Ugie...Johannes...was gunned down today while commuting to work.  :'(  Ugie had an awesome commute, living in Crestholme and working in Tongaat or somewhere thereabouts, he used to ride down into Molweni, cross the Umgeni river and make his way eastwards, what a pleasure. Most of us would go green for a ride like that to kickstart out day.

I received a call from a fellow GS rider who lives in the same complex as Ugie, telling me that his bike broke down this morning. His collegues, knowing of his commute route, got worried when he'd not pitched at work, and did whatever, alerted the police or whatever, I'm not sure...but I'm told that his bike was found...then his body with a GSW I assume. All that was missing, apparently was his wallet.

Well...we were all joking about the world coming to an end today, but I guess for some it ( kinda ) has, Johannes leaves behind a lovely young wife and a 3 month old baby. I don't know how to describe what I am feeling....immense sadness which is slowly turning into anger. Johannes was such a likeable guy, such a humble, genuine individual. I will really miss seeing his face at the gym, parking next to his ( always dirty = well used 800 ) outside the gym, riding past him and waving on Bridle rd. 

OMG why does this always seem to happen to the nicest of guyz???

To his wife, I don't even know her name, and his new born, may you be strong during this very very difficult time, my heart absolutely goes out to you guyz.